Tag Archives: mother figure

Thursday’s 13: Be Still, My Heart

Easy as A, B, C . . . from BB

The Ace of Hearts stands for

  1. Love and happiness
  2. The home, a love letter
  3. Indicates troubles and problems lifting

The King of Hearts stands for

  1. A fair-haired man with a good nature
  2. Fair, helpful advice
  3. Affectionate, caring man who helps you out without much talk
  4. His actions reveal kindness, concern

The Queen of Hearts stands for

  1. A fair-haired woman with a good nature
  2. Kind advice from an affectionate, caring woman
  3. This card can indicate the mother or a mother figure.

The Jack of Hearts stands for

  1. A warm-hearted friend
  2. A fair-haired youth
  3. Often this points to a younger admirer

Interested in more information about cards, or the way to tell fortunes with a normal deck of cards?  See www.wikipedia.org

See you day-after-tomorrow for “Saturday’s Softcover”!

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