Tag Archives: quiet

Sunday’s Snippets: Journaling Through Our Journey

Easy as A, B, C . . . from BB

I’m really trying to pare down to simpler things in life, get myself out of the rat‑race, by following some of the good advice by Valorie Burton in her book How Did I Get So Busy?

If you’re like me, tired of being tired, ready for powerful change, she recommends starting with a “five‑minute journal” to explore some questions we need to ponder.  Such thinking is  supposed to help us decide the next steps to take to take or better understand what obstacles are keeping us from moving forward.

Secondly, try a one‑minute meditation or prayer to help create calm and an opportunity for reflection.  Read a meditation thought (you know, any good and motivational quote you have on hand that makes you think would work‑‑‑especially if it’s a quiet, pleasant thought).  Find a quiet spot that feels peaceful.  Read your thought for the day, close your eyes, breathe deeply, relax and focus on the thought.

Both of those seem ultimately do‑able for us writers and thinkers—give it a shot: what have we got to lose?

See you day‑after‑tomorrow for Tuesday’s Tutor!

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